About Kelly

Kelly has over 35 years of experience providing warm, compassionate, non-judgemental care. She enjoys working with persons who have experienced childhood trauma, and chronic and acute health challenges. As a person with her own chronic health concerns, Kelly offers a unique perspective on health, healing, and finding peace and fulfillment living with chronic challenges. When not working she enjoys gardening, spending time with her dog and two cats, gardening, and yoga therapy.


           School psychologist, State of California. (credentialed in 2004)

  Certified Complex Trauma Professional (Level II) since 2019

Certified Wahls Healthcare Professional since 2017

 We can thrive in unexpected ways.


UCLA and obtained her Bachelor's in Psychology (1985). She did research looking at social support for psych techs and was published in a professional journal.

UC Berkeley and obtained her Master's in Social Welfare (1988). She studied clinical social work, providing mental health services for families, individuals and groups, with a special emphasis on EAP services.

Work Experiences

County of Mental Health, Riverside County 1989-2004 - Psychiatric social worker/Clinical therapist for adults and children, outpatient.

Psychotherapy - Private practice 2004 to present.